A Smart dialler is a perfect and brilliant piece of technology that offers peace of mind for the whole family by protecting our loved ones. In the event of an unfortunate illness or accident at home, this could be shortness of breath or a slip in the bathroom or even if an uninvited intruder comes to your home, all you will be required to do is to push the emergency buttons on a uniquely built, water-proof pendant. After this action the smart dialler will proceed to call up to five people of your choice, informing them that you need assistance the Smart dialler can also be programmed with triple zero who will send an ambulance to your property to help out, and here is the best part, there are NO monitoring fees EVER! How can we do this? The CareAlert Smart Dialler has been manufactured and designed to eliminate the middle man commonly known as a call centre, and contact the people you choose directly. This can save you a lot of money while guaranteeing you a reliable personal alert system.
The CareAlert Smart Dialler is capable of calling up to 5 different numbers including overseas numbers and mobile phones; this provides a high degree of reliability. It is more economical and just as reliable as a monitored system. The CareAlert activation process is extremely easy, it is done via a water-proof pendant transmitter that operates at a frequency of 433.92MHz. It has an operating function of up to 50 meters, this range is based on several environmental factors of the smart dialler. This is an excellent coverage for people within a standard size property, this range can be extended up to 100m with an antenna booster. You can also programme multiple pendants to the Smart Dialler. You will not need to reprogram your CareAlert Smart Dialler in the event of power blackout because it uses EPROM technology that saves any programed information. It is therefore a perfect health alarm for seniors because of their vulnerability to diseases and illness. It is also a perfect health monitor for people living in nursing homes to connect to caretakers.